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Great Job! Very informative
Have you seen the root resorption with both Vital and NonVital Teeth?
The waiting time for bone regeneration is the same between 3-6 months?
Thanks for being open & explain all problems
Thank you for sharing your amazing cases. I enjoyed attending your lecture so much .May I know do you perform M-MIST flap when you don’t have a microscope for cases with 1-2wall intrabony cases ?
Thank You for delivering such a great lecture 👏🏻
Is there any contraindications to use Emdogain for regeneration of periodontium
Meshari Aldamkh
Do you make DVT on every periodontal case you want to operate??
Based on some of your cases using limited surgical approaches, no membrane was needed for regeneration?
Great presentation! thank you for sharing your experience.
Thank you very much for your very intersting cases.My question is about the last case the first upper molar with the deep periodontal defect. Why did”nt you splint it during the initial periodontal therapy or at least later during the surgery? How did you manage the mobility during the surgery?
what is the importance of control of oclusar factor in evolution o predictability. treatment?
Please discuss the systemic health and state of any other chronic inflammatory diseases present in the long term, 7 yr plus cases.
Greetings from Argentina. Great lecture!
When the tooth is grade lll mobility , Do Dr Splint the tooth prior surgery ?
Can emdogain or emdogain in combination with other bone materials be used in bone resorption around implants?
Thank you
What is the best bone graft to use with emdogain?
How many time should the EDTA conditioning?
Based on some of your cases using limited surgical approaches, no membrane was needed for regeneration?
Does bone graft use require at least 1 remnant wall even when using Emdogain?
When we need user bone with Endogaim ?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar with Dr. Teresa Chanting Sun. If you have any questions for our expert about today’s presentation, please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.