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Congratulations Natali! Great presentation! Always a great discussion with Dr. Levine and Dr. Att! 🙂
Thank you Drs.!!
What was the rationale for material choice of the implant crowns?
Nice lecture but I wonder why didn´t you consider splinting posterior implants?
I Thanks you for being active & help science.
Great work, bravo.
Many implants plus crowns on teeth, This in Canada cost way more than double all on 6 tx. Good plan but not affortable for most.
I would use custom abutment and srew retained crowns. In perio patient, Tissue Level are best, and placed deeper.
Great treatment plan session!
Thank you all!
Amazing presentation 🙂
What was the reason to go to final restorations on the remaining mandibular teeth prior to placing the mandibular implants? Could the remaining teeth have been temporized first then do final restorations at time of implant final restorations?
Why using MUA to restore the implant bridge ? Why not using implante level restoration?
Composites are not sustainable
Having a medical history of osteoarthrosis is a risk factor? Should I have to take any additional actions before performing surgery?
Hello Dr Natali. Thank you for this presentation. I would like to know why did you wait 2 weeks to start with the preparations? Is two weeks enough to test the interim denture?
Fill with Hydroxyapatite filler as bonegraft
I think you need to establish a balanced occlusion by placing first molar implanta in the mandible/ Then anterior bridge.
Then anterior maxillary implants and an implant in site 14
Ceramic Zirconia
Patient wants not always best tx plan. Keep patient in removable dentures ? What is the goal ? Add implants and crowns the rest. The number of missing teeth, the broken root, the apical lesion are still red flags
No scan seen yet with available bone Cant treatment plan without that data
I think that preserving as many teeth as possible will not help to not lose the vertical dimension of the bone.
Do we anticipate more complications with keeping these teeth compared to extraction and implants?
I think she is thinking correctly, we should not extract restorable teeth, especially if serves the whole plan
#12 has widening of PDL with amalgam
Creeping and only tooth on max left then left is #13 with large old amalgam. Something to keep in mind is what the final prosthetic outcome a d providing proper support.
No not at all. Amalgam gives brain damage.
I think keeping the teeth will help with nocioception, mecarecereceptor
What are his desires form a restorative aspect Removable fixed, combination?
Remove the amalgam too.
Thank you for joining today’s webinar with Dr. Yolanda Natali Raico Gallardo moderated by Prof. Dr. Wael Att and Dr. Robert Levine. If you have any questions about today’s presentation, please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.